The whole service structure of OA is designed to help the still suffering compulsive overeater find their way to the solution we have found, and lasting abstinence.
An Intergroup is part of this service structure, and is a collection of OA groups, originally in a geographical area, that come together to carry the OA message to the still suffering compulsive overeater more effectively. This supports our primary purpose as described in Tradition 5.
We have put together this information to help you with your introduction to OA United Kingdom, Europe and Beyond Intergroup.
The Intergroup is not a separate organisation. It exists solely to support groups and to offerthe hand of friendship to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.
Find out who our board and officers are, and how to contact them.
Looking to serve at Intergroup? Why not explore the opportunities we have for you?
OA Responsibility Pledge
Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this I am responsible.
Read minutes from our Intergroup meetings (2024). You will also find a link to view older minutes at the bottom of that page.
To contribute to Tradition 7 for our Intergroup, please make a PayPal payment to:
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