Welcome to Intergroup

We're so glad that you're here!

A square green sign with the letter i on it in lowercase

Information for all of our Group Service Representatives (GSR)

We have put together this information to help you with your introduction to OA United Kingdom, Europe and Beyond Intergroup.

The Intergroup is not a separate organisation. It exists solely to support groups and to offer the hand of friendship to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.

We recognise that there is a learning curve for new representatives and board members and that sometimes the terms and abbreviations we use can be a bit confusing. Please stick with us! Many representative and board members find that it takes 3 or more Intergroup meetings before things click. And ask for help if you need it; the Board of Executive Officers are here to help you!

This website and GoogleDrive are good sources of information as they hold previous Intergroup minutes, our Bylaws and Policy documents.

The email addresses of all the Intergroup officers can be found here. Please contact the relevant officer if you have specific queries. For general queries, please contact the Chair or Vice Chair; we would be delighted to hear from you.

You serve a vital role in keeping the fellowship informed of events, policies and group-conscience decisions. Thank you for your service.

Meeting Information

All Intergroup meetings are held virtually on Zoom. Please contact the Correspondence Secretary for details of how to join

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

18th Jan 2024

6-8pm GMT 

Normal meeting

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

4th Jul 2024

6-8pm BST

Normal meeting

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

7th Mar 2024

6-8pm GMT 

Normal meeting

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

5th Sep 2024

6-8pm BST

Normal meeting

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

25th Apr 2024

6-7.30pm BST 

Extraordinary meeting to discuss WSBC motions

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

7th Nov 2024

6-8pm GMT 

Normal meeting

A small calendar icon with a clock on the bottom right hand corner

2nd May 2024

6-8pm BST 

Normal meeting including the election of board officers

Note: Please be sure the Intergroup Chair and Correspondence Secretary have your email address. Group Service Representatives and Board Members will be informed via email of last-minute changes in date or location because of holidays or scheduling conflicts.

A wall with brightly coloured paints splashed on it with the word together in front

What is Intergroup?

We are a 9th tradition service committee which is directly responsible to the groups within our membership. These groups are all virtual groups, either held in real time or non-real time from all across the world. We currently have 36 affiliated groups.

Find out more

A pile of 3 books with an out-of-focus notebook open in the background with a pen on it

Intergroup policies

Our policies can be found here.

What does a GSR do?


Attend regular meetings of United Kingdom, Europe and Beyond Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous on the first Thursday of every second month, except when a change has been announced.


Read minutes of previous intergroup meeting (emailed by the Correspondence Secretary or available on GoogleDrive) prior to the upcoming meeting and be prepared with any corrections before the vote to accept takes place.


Vote on issues presented at the intergroup meeting, one vote per member.


Send newsletters and other flyers, etc. to your meeting and associated WhatsApp group.


Follow the 12 Traditions to the best of your ability, especially placing principles before personalities when debating issues.


Represent your meeting in discussion of issues.


Report back to your meeting the policies, activities and announcements that affect the intergroup as discussed or provided at the intergroup meeting.


Let the intergroup secretary and chair know of changes in your meeting’s officers, time and or platform, focus and Contact Person.
